Our Tools


For over 30 years, TTI Success Insights has researched and applied social and brain science, creating behavioral assessments consultants all over the world use to hire, develop and retain the best talent in the world.  With a tenacious, innovative culture, we transform potential to productivity, performance and profits. Well Coached is an Authorized Value Added Associate Partner with TTI Success Insights. This partnership allows us the ability to dive deep into the personalities and relationships in your office.

  • TTI INSIGHTS IS BEST IN CLASS: Consistently referred to “best in class” in side-by-side comparisons with competitors in immediate impact and completeness

  • SAFETY: Provide compliance with hiring laws and regulations including EEOC and OFCCP

  • DEPTH: Science-based assessments, in-depth reports integrate behavior, motivators, EQ, skills and acumen

  • EFFICACY: Highly effective for building teams, hiring or talent training and development that produces results

  • COMPREHENSIVE: Assessments to truly understand job requirements


We integrate principles of long-time management and leadership expert, Ken Blanchard, into tangible actions to clearly define your company’s vision and to execute your plan to get there. Centered around setting goals and providing constant feedback, we focus on incorporating key principles such as:

  • “Create a shared Vision.”
    Visions from the top must be articulated clearly so that everyone in the organization can easily understand the purpose.

  • “Show me what good performance looks like.”
    It is the job of the Leader or Manager to express and demonstrate in no uncertain terms what you expect from team members.

  • “People that feel good about themselves produce good results.”
    Create an atmosphere where team members can win and feel successful. It only breeds more of the same. Have a process for recognizing performance.

  • “None of us is as smart as all of us.”
    Create and environment where team members are expected to voice opinions related to the organization’s survival and success. It creates buy-in and increased productivity.

  • “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
    Tell team members exactly how they are doing, constantly.


DISC is designed to improve productivity, teamwork and communication. Personality styles determine how you communicate and how you lead. Used thoughtfully, DISC allows us get to know you quickly. We look at how you and your team respond to challenges, feedback, rules and rewards. DISC identifies strengths and opportunities for improvement by tapping into four main dimensions, including:





Why DISC is the Best

The DISC behavior assessment tool is used by 70 percent of Fortune 500 companies, hundreds of college and university sports programs, thousands of small business –and success stories like Tony Robbins –to improve productivity, make wise hiring decisions and solve specific problems. More than 50 million profiles have been completed since 1970. DISC came to life in the 1920s, and, unlike the popular and exceedingly-complex Myers-Briggs test, has scientific research to back it up. Invented by a Harvard graduate, DISC has been adapted over the past few decades, fine-tuning it to an even higher degree of accuracy. DISC is based on the theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centers on four different behavioral traits: dominance, influence, submission, and compliance. His theory was developed into a behavioral assessment tool by industrial psychologist Walter Vernon Clarke. In 1984, Jack Morrison's doctoral dissertation, A Correlation Study of the Personal Profile System with the Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire, concluded that DISC has construct validity with significant correlations compared to other assessments, strongly suggesting that it has scientific validity as a psychometric instrument. Today, DISC is the most accurate prediction of how people communicate and interact. It’s easy to understand and simple to take. It has proven over and over again to be the best way to measure behavior.

Other popular “personality” tests are limited or flawed.

Myers-Briggs has been criticized extensively in the academic world. "There's just no evidence behind it," says Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. "The characteristics measured by the test have almost no predictive power on how happy you'll be in a situation, how you'll perform at your job, or how happy you'll be in your marriage." The test was developed in the 1940s based on the untested theories of Carl Jung and is now thoroughly disregarded by the psychology community. Even Jung warned that his personality "types" were just rough tendencies he'd observed, rather than strict classifications. Analysis shows the test is totally ineffective at predicting people's success in various jobs, and that about half of the people who take it twice get different results each time. It’s built on false, limited binaries. For a more detailed look at problems with Myers-Briggs, visit https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20130917155206-69244073-say-goodbye-to-mbti-the-fad-that-won-t-die/.

Enneagram, which has jokingly been called Myers-Briggs for high schoolers and has been highly criticized by the Christian community for its alleged connections to paganism and/or Islam, has no clear historic beginnings. Contemporary Enneagram claims are principally derived from the teachings of Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo. Naranjo's theories were partly influenced by some earlier teachings of George Gurdjieff. As a typology the Enneagram defines nine personality types which are represented by the points of a geometric figure which indicate connections between the types. There are different schools of thought among Enneagram teachers, therefore their ideas are not always in agreement. There is almost no formal psychometric analysis of the Enneagram and the peer-reviewed research that has been done has not been widely accepted within the scientific world.

Predictive Index is simply different than DISC, focusing more on cognitive skills. While useful in some hiring situations, the Predictive Index is not as complete or effective in identifying behavior. A DISC assessment consists of two sets of assessments (behaviors and motivators) that each take about 15 minutes to complete. The PI Behavioral Assessment is a six minute, free-choice assessment. The PI Cognitive Assessment™ is a 12-minute timed assessment. DISC was designed to increase the understanding of an individual's talents. The report provides insight to three distinct areas: behaviors, Driving Forces, and the synergy created by blending these two. The report talks about the person’s value to an organization, provides communication tips and potential areas for improvement. Additionally, the report uncovers an individual’s potential strengths, conflicts, as well as their “ideal environment.”  

PI’s behavioral report provides insights to influencing styles and management strategies. The PI Cognitive report reveals a person’s likelihood of being strong in specific cognitive abilities.

Each organization’s respective behavioral assessments speak to “highs” and “lows” with neither having a positive or negative connotation. Both reports show natural and adaptive behavioral styles.

Both companies behind the reports have been thought leaders in the industry for decades. Each are credible in the marketplace and heavily research-based. Both reports can be used as a basis for job benchmarking, although they approach it from different angles (behaviors and motivators vs. behaviors and cognitive skills).

Culture Index is a strategic advisory firm that works to scale and transform organizations using applied analytical traits. It is generally used to screen corporate sales reps. The 10-minute test consists of two lists of adjectives. Candidates check words that describe them as they are and as they think they would need to be to succeed at work. It is nowhere near as effective at predicting and understanding behavior in fields outside of sales, and is hyper-focused on certain areas.
